Upon first listening to this group hailing from Croatia, it
felt like a hybrid between the classic 80’s shred guitar band with a dose of
modern melodic mayhem. Think Dream Theater mixed with Incubus.
To be honest, I was shocked at how well put together the
sound was.
Ivan Mihaljevic is a master guitarist who can truly wail
through his axe and his voice box.
He possesses that fine line between highly technical playing
with a great sense of how to make incredible music.
Alen Frljak is an absolute monster on the drum kit. His
cadence patterns are absolutely sick. The bass player, Majkl Jagunic completes
the blend of an ideal rock trio.
Some of the tracks that truly stood out were, “Time Travel”,
“Eclipse”, and “I Am”
Final thoughts on the group: this band is destined for
greatness if they aren’t already ascended to the top of their craft.
Seems that whatever they wanted to do musically, they could
crush it.
A musical steamroller with all of the goods to become modern
day rock gods!
(Donald M.)
CD BABY http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/ivanmihaljevicsideeffect
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/imandse
FACEBOOK StreetTeam https://www.facebook.com/streetteamimandse
YOU TUBE http://www.youtube.com/ivanmihaljevic
SOUNDCLOUD https://soundcloud.com/ivan-mihaljevic/sets/counterclockwise-1
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/streetteamimse